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Walking Sticks to Complement Dyed Hair

If you use a mobility aid regularly, whether that's a walking stick or cane, you need to know how to pair it with your clothes and your hair! In today's blog we'll explore the best Walking Sticks to Complement Dyed Hair so that you can look sharp and feel confident wherever you go.

Today, we're diving into the vibrant world of dyed hair and the fashionable accessories that can take your look to the next level – walking sticks! Whether you're rocking a bold new colour or subtly enhancing your current locks, we've got some dazzling suggestions to help you strut your stuff with confidence. Let's add a pop of personality to your style!

Best Colours to Complement Your Hair

Reds, Pinks and Greens: For Ravishing Redheads

Our Choice: Slimline Extending Pink Floral Chelsea Cane

Reds, Pinks and Greens: For Ravishing Redheads

Red, pink and green should always seen, especially on those of you with vibrantly dyed red hair! Since red hair can be a natural colour, there are plenty of options for walking sticks to pair this with.

  • Red Walking Sticks and Pink Walking Sticks are a brilliant way of drawing attention to deep auburn hair. They accentuate the warm tones in red dyed hair, making both your hair and your walking stick stand out from the crowd. 
  • Green Walking Sticks contrast deep red tresses beautifully, by balancing out your warm undertones with cooler, bluer ones. This stops you looking too red, for a balanced and cohesive look where your walking stick and hair work together in perfect harmony.

Blues, Greens and Silvers: For Blue-Headed Hipsters

Our Choice: Adjustable Folding Elite Derby Handle Dark Blue Floral Walking Stick

Blues, Greens and Silvers: For Blue-Headed Hipsters

Dyed blue hair is a bold and eye-catching choice that can be beautifully complemented by various walking sticks. It screams confidence and creativity, making it both a beautiful physical feature and one that shows your personality off too! To emphasise this awesome look, you need a walking stick that will either balance out the cool tones within your hair, or exaggerate them more to become the ultimate ice-queen.

  • Blue Walking Sticks are the obvious choice for people rocking blue hair, but Green Walking Sticks are also a strong option too. Both are next to each other on the colour wheel, so combining them together creates a harmonious colour scheme – making you and your outfit look super chic and sophisticated.
  • Silver Plated Walking Sticks add a touch of glam, while keeping tones cool to match your hair. This selection is perfect for a number of occasions, from inside the comfort of your own home, to out and about to a star-studded event, this range offers class and refinery while letting your locks sing.

Golds and Coral: For Pastel Pink Princesses

Our Choice: Pink and White Floral Extending Petite Walking Cane

Golds and Coral: For Pastel Pink Princesses

Pink hair is a playful, vibrant and youthful choice of hair colour, and it can be wonderfully complemented by similarly exciting walking stick colours. 

  • We recommend pairing girly pink hair with similarly feminine walking stick colours. The best options to go for are Pink Walking Sticks and Coral Walking Sticks, which create a funky, peach-toned look.
  • For a metallic walking stick option, consider going for Gold Walking Sticks. This will emphasise the warmer tones within pink hair, to keep you looking like the walking sunset that you are! 

Emeralds, Coppers and Chocolate Brown: For Green-Haired Heroes

Our Choice: Adjustable Aluminium Derby Walking Stick with Hedgehog Design 

Emeralds, Coppers and Chocolate Brown: For Green-Haired Heroes

Dyed green hair is a unique and adventurous choice, and you can pair it with various walking stick colours to create striking looks.

  • Green Walking Sticks are a brilliant match for similarly emerald coloured hair. This will add a monochromatic sophistication to any outfit, making you look put together wherever you go, in the easiest way possible. Plus, the green on green will invoke a 'nature-inspired' feel to your look for an organic, effortless finish.
  • Earthy Natural Wood Walking Sticks can provide a harmonious contrast with green hair, and this combination evokes a connection to nature and offers a grounded, down-to-earth appearance. In addition, Gold Walking Sticks and Bronze Walking Sticks can add warmth and richness to your green hair. These metallic tones create an interesting contrast with the coolness of green and offer a touch of opulence.

Midnight Blues, Fuchsias and Lavender: For Purple Prima Donnas

Our Choice: Adjustable Folding Fashion Derby Handle Purple Brushstrokes Walking Stick

Midnight Blues, Fuschias and Lavender: For Purple Primadonnas

Purple dyed hair is whimsical, mysterious and intriguing, leaving plenty of potential for matching with your walking stick. 

Yellows, Black and Gold: For Golden-Blonde Girls

Our Choice: Golden Leopard Derby Walking Cane

Yellows, Black and Gold: For Golden Blonde Girls

Yellow dyed hair is a super-cool look that shows an element of rebelliousness. What's so awesome about this hair colour is that it can vary from being bright yellow to softer, more natural blonde, allowing for plenty of potential walking stick colour matches!

  • Yellow Walking Sticks as well as Black Walking Sticks are both brilliant walking stick options. Black designs allow your hair to do all the talking, while the yellow designs match your hair to emphasise lemon, honey and golden tones in your hair. If you opt for either of these, you'll shine bright like the sun!
  • Gold Walking Sticks are an equally strong choice for those of you with yellow dyed hair, since gold brings out warmer tones, making your hair glow and sparkle.

Our Final Word

These six colour suggestions are your ticket to enhancing your dyed and making a style statement that's impossible to ignore. Whether you're feeling classic, vibrant, or somewhere in between, there's a walking stick that'll perfectly complement your modish mane.

Do you have any other questions, or something to add? You can leave us your thoughts in the comments section below, or find us on TikTokTwitterFacebook, Instagram and YouTube!